While our cedar hot tubs have several heating options, the one we get the most questions about is always our wood fired hot tubs.
Going with a wood fired heater is great solution for cedar hot tubs – to smell the logs burning while you’re enjoying a relaxing soak, the ability to reduce on costs if you have a ready supply of fire wood, or even if you have a remote location and you want to take your hot tub off grid.
Below we’ve gathered some of the most popular questions we receive about our woodfired hot tubs.

Q: Is it possible to have jets on the wood burner models if a pump is installed? I’m looking for the low cost of using wood but want some aspects of a spa. I like the fact that your model has the heater outside the tub.
A: Yes you can have 4 jets, 120 VAC two speed pump and a filter system on any wood fired heater. This is an additional $500 and it allows you to keep the water in the tub much longer as you now have a filter. Click here for our wood fired hot tub heaters.
Q: Hi there we live in Cranbrook, BC, Canada, and love your wood fired hot tubs. Can you tell me if you ship to BC? Do these arrived assembled, or do we install them onsite?
A: We can absolutely ship a wood fired hot tub to BC! We ship our cedar hot tubs all over the world, including Europe, Australia – and even Iceland! Most of our customers order their hot tub as a kit, and assemble their wood fired hot tub onsite. Not only will this save on shipping costs, but our team is always here to help if you run into any installation hiccups – you can see the installation process here.
Q: We are looking at an 8-person cedar hot tub with the largest heater & accessories, which is the appropriate one for that size tub? How long does it take to heat the water?
A: We have 4 sizes of hot tubs and various types of heaters, including wood fired hot tub heaters. With your needs, we would recommend our large cedar hot tub (74″ diameter), which is suited for 6-8 people. If the majority of time you will have 5-8 people using your wooden hot tub, this would be the size you should choose. This barrel hot tub holds approximately 523 gallons of water. With a large wood fired heater you would be looking at about 4 hours heating time.
Heating times vary based on 2 prime factors: starting temperature of the water, and type of wood used.
Q: Will a wood fired hot tub heater work for other types of hot tubs?
A: They will! You can learn more about the versatility of Timberline wood heaters at www.woodwaterstoves.com
Q: How do you recommend cedar hot tub sizes to match a woodfired heater?
A: When choosing a wood burning hot tub, it is important to not oversize it as the more water you have, the longer it takes to heat. Our most commonly recommend model is the Blaze 55,000 BTU wood fired hot tub heater, as it will heat up quicker, which is what most of our customers are looking for.
Q: We purchased the 50″ round cedar hot tub last year, and now have it installed. We are looking at purchasing the Timberline wood fired hot tub heater. We will have about 180 gallons of water (24″ deep) inside the tub. What size stove? What else should we purchase? We have the holes and the plugs already drilled and installed, and will need the heating pipes, hoses etc. This is an off-grid hot tub, so we don’t want the filter – and will drain the tub for install.
A: We’re so happy to hear you’re enjoying your cedar hot tub! The Campfire is the wood heater for hot tub that you need, plus the connection kit – this also includes the chimney and all accessories.