Choosing a hot tub is a bit like picking out a new car. Price is important, but so are practical considerations like how many people will need to fit comfortably into it. Some folks will need a hot tub that can handle a gaggle of family and friends, while others will only need a small hot tub or private spa for themselves and maybe a significant other. While this may seem like a straightforward decision, it can require some forethought and projecting yourself and your situation into the future a bit. After all, well-maintained hot tubs can last years and years, and what might be true for today can change significantly soon.
Only you know the answer to most of these questions. A good place to start is by asking yourself if it seems likely that you'll have friends and family over to enjoy a nice soak. If so, a multi person hot tub will be necessary. If not, a small hot tub like our 2-person hot tub Japansese Soaking Tub will probably suffice (and cost less, of course).
In America, most hot tub owners are middle-aged. This makes it more likely that they'll be visited by adult children and their grandkids - if not immediately, then certainly within a few years. Don't make the common mistake of forgetting to factor this inevitability into your hot tub purchasing decision! It could lead to some hurt feelings and crying grandkids.